Friday, August 31, 2018

Stone Cleaning and Restoration: Everything You Wanted to Know About Limestone

Get professional limestone cleaning in San Antonio, TX | 210-637-5050
Get professional limestone cleaning in San Antonio, TX | 210-637-5050

You should hire a San Antonio stone cleaning service if you have any sort of stone, but particularly if you have calcium-based stone such as travertine, marble, or limestone.

All About Limestone Cleaning and Care

Limestone can be beautiful and even rival marble for its sheen and luster.  That is, when it is taken care of properly.  Limestone is one of those stones that comes in a wide range of colors.  It can vary  from a gray to green to  a rich coffee with cream color.  Have you ever been to an upscale mall or shopping center?  Odds are the tile under your feet isn't marble, it's limestone.  Limestone is both beautiful and durable.  With that said, just remember the right way to care for limestone, and then limestone cleaning will be a breeze.
As we covered previously, like marble, limestone is extremely reactive to acids, so don't use any acidic cleaners that have lemon juice, vinegar, or other acid based compound.  When in doubt, contact a professional stone cleaning service in San Antonio for advice. As a rule, limestone tile can be polished in three different ways.  These ways are from lowest to highest gloss: honed, semi-polished and highly polished. A good thing to know however, that unless your limestone is a harder grade, you won't be able to polish it to the level of granite or even marble.

Limestone Cleaning Requires Knowing Its Rules

If you want to clean your limestone tile, first know how it gets dirty.  Limestone, like all stones is porous, and it is a bit soft. As a result it stains easily.   Limestone is also vulnerable to hard water stains. To clean limestone floor tile, scrub gently with a pH-neutral stone cleaner, preferably one designed specifically for limestone. Make sure to dry the floor with towels, as you go. Never clean limestone with household soap and water, as it will eventually leave buildup on the tile.
Another thing to avoid is a lot of over the counter items.  A great many of them use wax and oil to get that shine.  For a while it will work as advertised, but after a while, waxy buildup will occur which will attract dirt.  It is also harder to remove this buildup, and you run the risk of using a harsh chemical to remove it which will damage your stone.

So remember, don't try to clean limestone yourself.  Hire a professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio instead.
More Info
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, August 24, 2018

Stone Cleaning and Restoration: Everything You Wanted to Know About Travertine

There's a wrong way and a right way to clean travertine.  None of this is new information, but it bears repeating.
Get Professional Travertine Cleaning in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Get Professional Travertine Cleaning in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050

Travertine Cleaning and Care:  Be Careful With Your Stone

As we covered previously, you never want to wet mop travertine.  While water itself is harmless, what may be in your water is not, particularly any chlorine.  Anything acidic put on travertine can eat away at the stone.  And you'd be surprised at what can cause damage to travertine.  Bleach, of course, is a given, but did you know that something as simple as spilling a cup of coffee or a glass or wine or orange juice on your travertine floor can damage it too.  In addition, certain species of bacteria can also eat away at the stone and these bacteria are often found in municipal water sources.  Another problem with using anything acidic is that travertine is usually not one piece, it has gaps and voids that form in it naturally and these are usually filled with resin or other filling material that is as vulnerable, if not more than the stone itself.

Travertine is Tricky and Surprisingly Fragile:  Get a Professional Stone Cleaning Service In

Although travertine is extremely durable, it can lose its glossy appearance with wear and tear.  That's why its important for you to contact a professional who can restore its original appearance, preferably one who specializes in stone cleaning. They know what can be used on your stone as well as how to bring back it's lovely luster and shine.  One thing that a professional stone care service will likely recommend is to seal your stone.  This is a good idea from so many angles.  Stone is naturally porous, and a stone sealer sinks into the pores and makes it more resistant to stains as well as damage. Ultimately, you want to make sure that one of two things occurs where your travertine floor is concerned.  Either you know exactly what to do at all times in regards to cleaning it and taking care of it, or you get on the phone and call a stone cleaning service in San Antonio, Texas.
Travertine has been used for centuries.  But why not take advantage of technology in this century?  Call a professional travertine cleaning service to help your floor or counter look it's best.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, August 17, 2018

Stone Cleaning and Restoration: Everything You Wanted to Know About Marble

Get Professional Marble and Stone Cleaning in San Antonio, TX  | Call Us Today (210) 637-5050
Get Professional Marble and
Stone Cleaning in San Antonio, TX | Call Us Today (210) 637-5050

Never try to clean marble tile yourself.  You could end up damaging not only your grout, but your stone tile as well.

Marble Tile Cleaning and Polishing in San Antonio

As we covered previously, marble is considered timeless and elegant. It can reflect adaptive modernization and rich history at the same time. On the flip side, marble is not cheap. It is relatively expensive to use and attention to detail is required. Any construction expert can attest that installing marble tiles for example can not only be a chore, but also a tedious project. Marble tiles need to be lined up and viewed in entirety to see if the design matches in every tile before installing them. Cleaning of marble tiles is not as easy as it may seem. Like any stone tile, it requires high maintenance. Regular cleaning is demanded. You cannot leave dirt, smudge or spills for too long. They can leave a mark that would be impossible to remove.

A lot of people think it is simple to clean marble tiles. A common misconception is that piece of cloth and any cleaning product would be enough to clean marble tiles. Marble tiles are porous, meaning they can easily absorb any substance that comes in contact with them. Marble is also sensitive to acid. So whether it is acid found in food like citrus fruits, wine or synthetic cleaning products, we need to be extremely careful what we allow to touch marble tiles. Marble can also be very sensitive to stains. A little pigment left for too long can blend into marble and completely ruin the look of any floor or room.

Marble is Expensive:  Hire a Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio

Let's repeat that.  Marble is expensive.  Hire a professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio.  First off, they'll know what NOT to do as well as the proper way to clean marble and even in some cases restore it.  They can also give you tips and advice to keep marble clean between visits, and maybe recommend regimens like stone sealing to help keep liquid and spills out.

A professional tile cleaning service will also know the difference between shine levels and help you to get not only the gloss level, but do it in a safe way.  All of these reasons and more are ones to contact a marble cleaning service in San Antonio.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, August 10, 2018

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio: The Insider's Guide to Cleaning Your Tile and Grout (Conclusion)

Grout and Tile Cleaning in-San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Grout and Tile Cleaning in-San Antonio | (210) 637-5050

Cleaning  your tile and grout can be difficult, or easy.  It all depends on you.  What's the best way?  Easy.  Hire a tile cleaning service in San Antonio...

Why A San Antonio Tile Cleaning Service is Who You Should Call

As we covered previously, if you want tile and grout cleaning tips between visits from your tile cleaning service in San Antonio, a professional service can tell you what to do and what not to do between visits.  For example, you never want to use harsh chemicals like bleach unless they are very diluted.  Bleach is essentially acid, and can easily strip away the glaze on ceramic tile.  Think that's bad?  It can be worse. If you apply bleach or anything acidic to limestone, marble, or travertine, it can literally dissolve your stone away.  All of these stones are calcium-based which reacts chemically to anything acidic.  Even something like orange juice or coffee can damage your stone.
So avoid any harsh chemicals or anything acidic.  Don't wet mop.  Damp mop only.  All of these are just some of the tile cleaning tips that a professional San Antonio tile cleaning service can offer you.  Want some more?  Ok, be careful of home cleaning experts online or on your favorite streaming services.

Be Careful When You Clean Your Tile and Grout

Why?  Well, one prominent cleaning 'expert' said with total conviction that it's a good idea to clean your marble floor with lemon juice and water.  Lemon juice? On marble?  Well, it's not a bad idea, if you want to spend a fortune replacing your marble floor because you damaged your stone irreparably.  Another example of an excellent tile cleaning tip is to avoid store bought "miracle" cleaners.  You have a digital box, you see all those ads for some sort of miracle cleaner.  But wait! There's more! If you call now, you can get two bottles of _____ Miracle Tile Cleaner, just pay additional shipping. And you try their product.  It does indeed clean your tile to the point that it looks like it's brand new.  There are only two problems they forgot to tell you about.  First off, it uses wax and oil to get you that shine.  So, it seeps into your grout, and leaves a waxy build up on your tile.  It also reacts chemically with your grout.
Cleaning  your tile and grout can be difficult, or easy.  It all depends on you.  What's the best way?  Easy.  Hire a tile cleaning service in San Antonio.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, August 3, 2018

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio: The Insider's Guide to Cleaning Your Tile and Grout (Continued)

There is a wrong way and a right way to clean your grout and tile.  Your best bet is to hire a professional tile cleaning service.
Get professional tile cleaning in San Antonio today and improve your floor's looks | 210-637-5050
Get professional tile cleaning in
San Antonio today and improve your floor's looks | 210-637-5050

Why Hire a Tile and Grout Cleaning Service? 

As we covered previously, if you  hire a professional tile cleaner, you can always rest assured that at the end of your  work day you will  have one less thing on your plate, and you can count on the results that they'll give you, namely clean grout lines and sparkling tile.  Hiring a tile cleaner will allow you to focus on those tasks in your agenda that are really important instead of worrying about housework all the time.
Hiring tile cleaning services is the perfect solution if you do not have time to do it yourself, but you want to have the house always clean and tidy.  If you need more reasons, consider this.  If you don't know what you're doing, you can potentially damage your tile as well as your grout.
Grout, for example is extremely porous.  Not surprising, as most grout is made out of sand.  Have you ever heard of sand that wasn't porous.  A lot of times, people will make the mistake of wet-mopping a floor.  If you have your grout sealed, this isn't a problem.  If not, then if you choose to wet mop your floor, your grout will be saturated, and can start crumbling under your tile.  Professional grout cleaning uses far less water.

Tile and Grout Cleaning Tips: Another Reason to Hire a Pro

Do you want tile and grout cleaning tips between visits from your tile cleaning service in San Antonio?  A professional service can tell you what to do and what not to do between visits.  For example, you never want to use harsh chemicals like bleach unless they are very diluted.  Bleach is essentially acid, and can easily strip away the glaze on ceramic tile.  Think that's bad?  It can be worse. If you apply bleach or anything acidic to limestone, marble, or travertine, it can literally dissolve your stone away.  All of these stones are calcium-based which reacts chemically to anything acidic.  Even something like orange juice or coffee can damage your stone.
So avoid any harsh chemicals or anything acidic.  Don't wet mop.  Damp mop only.  All of these are just some of the tile cleaning tips that a professional San Antonio tile cleaning service can offer you.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050

Friday, July 27, 2018

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio: The Insider's Guide to Cleaning Your Tile and Grout

Call a professional grout and tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050
Call a professional grout and tile
cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050

There is a wrong way and a right way  to clean your tile and grout.  So which is which?

The Right Way to Clean Your Grout and Tile

With the busy and stressful pace of life that we have today in the US, especially in bigger cities,  like San Antonio, it is often difficult to take time to meet all our daily obligations, much less do any projects like cleaning your tile and grout.

We want to be able to do it all, but the reality is that no matter how hard we try, we are not superheroes and if we are pressed for time, the best option is to have a little help from professionals with experience and that make things a little easier, such as a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio.
In this way, not only will we get the house always clean, but we can also have more time for ourselves that we can dedicate to our family as well as our hobbies and interests.

What Are The Advantages of Hiring a San Antonio Tile Cleaning Service?

We know what you're thinking.  Don't tile cleaning services cost money?  Of course.  However, the advantages of hiring professional tile cleaning services outweigh the costs, starting with how back-breaking and difficult it is to clean  your tile and grout yourself.

If you hire a professional tile cleaner, you can always rest assured that at the end of your  work day you will have one less thing on your plate, and you can count on the results that they'll give you, namely clean grout lines and sparkling tile.  Hiring a tile cleaner will allow you to focus on those tasks in your agenda that are really important instead of worrying about housework all the time.

Hiring tile cleaning services is the perfect solution if you do not have time to do it yourself, but you want to have the house always clean and tidy.  If you need more reasons, consider this.  If you don't know what you're doing, you can potentially damage your tile as well as your grout.
Grout, for example is extremely porous.  Not surprising, as most grout is made out of sand.  Have you ever heard of sand that wasn't porous.  A lot of times, people will make the mistake of wet-mopping a floor.  If you have your grout sealed, this isn't a problem.  If not, then if you choose to wet mop your floor, your grout will be saturated, and can start crumbling under your tile.  Professional grout cleaning uses far less water.
There are even more pitfalls, but for now, just know that hiring a tile cleaning service is probably a better idea.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, July 20, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio (Conclusion)

Saltillo Tile Restoration | San Antonio | 210-637-5050
Saltillo Tile Restoration | San Antonio | 210-637-5050

Regular tile cleaning in San Antonio is challenging enough,but what about saltillo tile cleaning?

What Is Saltillo Tile Cleaning And Why Is It Particularly Challenging?

As we covered previously, a professional tile and grout cleaning service will have access to tools, equipment, cleansers, and trained personnel that can clean and sanitize your tile and grout safely. Like any other professional company, the tile and grout cleaner you hire will likely value their reputation, which means that they will do whatever they can to make certain that you are a happy customer.
That kind of an issue can end up costing them a lot of money in lost future business, so chances are they will be more than happy to make things right with you. In fact, an issue where the company is clearly wrong and won't fix things is the type of issue that can actually end up causing a company to go out of business. In the event that you have hired a stubborn contractor that engages in poor business practices and refuses to fix things, then you can file a complaint with the Registrar of Contractors. This will usually enable you to get the money necessary to fix your tile, and it will also show up on the floor cleaning contractor’s record.  Then you just need to call a  tile and grout cleaning service that is professional.

Saltillo Restoration: Call a Pro

Saltillo  a beautiful type of terra-cotta type of tile that is unique in what it takes to properly care for it. Saltillo tile comes in many different shapes and colors, but the one thing that all varieties of it have in common is that it is particularly difficult to install and also to clean. Saltillo tile doesn’t have a glaze on it like most other tiles do, which means that it absorbs water. When you are cleaning it using excessive amounts of water can actually damage the tile, which can be quite expensive to repair.  Rather than using water, a specific type of alkaline cleanser needs to be used on Saltillo tile.
This, combined with scrubbing with a moderately abrasive cleaning pad can successfully remove most of the dirt and grime from a Saltillo tile floor, without damaging the floor in the process. This type of alkaline cleaner can be very corrosive and can injure you if you don’t use the proper protective equipment. It’s also possible to use too strong of an alkaline cleaner that hasn’t been properly diluted, this can damage your floor.  Because of the unique challenges associated with Saltillo tile cleaning, this is a job that is definitely best left to a tile and grout cleaning service. When you are looking for the right tile and grout cleaning service to clean your Saltillo tile floor, you need to make sure that they have experience in cleaning this specific type of tile.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, July 13, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio (Contd.)

Cleaning your tile and grout yourself could possibly endanger your floor or worse, your health.
Saltillo Tile Restoration | (210) 637-5050
 Saltillo Tile Restoration brings the beauty of your floor back. (210) 637-5050

Why You Shouldn't Try to Clean Your Tile Yourself

As we covered previously, the grout between your tiles on the floor of your home is a breeding ground for germs. It’s a place where dirt and debris are easily trapped, and it requires periodic deep cleaning to remove it. This isn’t something that can be done with a brush and soap and water, it requires the touch of an expert to be done properly.  How can you pick a tile and grout cleaning service that you can trust?  The biggest concern you should be worried about if you are thinking of hiring a handyman or someone else that isn’t qualified to work on your floors shouldn’t be whether or not they do a good job.
What your main concern should be is whether or not they are going to damage your floors. If you hire a handyman to clean your tile and grout and he doesn’t do a good job, you are lucky if you are only out the money you paid them. Your lucky because there’s a very good chance that they will damage your floors, which could necessitate having them repaired, or even replaced. It’s because of the risk of having your floors damaged that you should only trust a professional tile and grout cleaning service rather than risk hiring a handyman.

Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning in San Antonio is Best

A professional tile and grout cleaning service will have access to tools, equipment, cleansers, and trained personnel that can clean and sanitize your tile and grout safely. Like any other professional company, the tile and grout cleaner you hire will likely value their reputation, which means that they will do whatever they can to make certain that you are a happy customer. So, what happens if the tile and grout cleaning company you hire does a poor job or even damages your tile? Well, you have to remember that there’s a good chance that they will make things right on their own. They have a reputation to protect, and if it gets out that they not only damaged a customer’s tile floor but also refused to repair it, then that’s going to look really bad.
That's one of the biggest reasons to hire a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio: reputation.


Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, July 6, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio

San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050
San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service |
(210) 637-5050

Tile and grout cleaning in San Antonio is hardly the most exciting thing that you need to do in terms of home maintenance, but it is certainly one of the most important ones. Why is it so important that you have tile and grout cleaning done by a professional on a regular basis? Because, if you don’t you are risking permanent damage to your floors...

What’s The Difference Between Regular Tile Cleaning And Professional Deep Cleaning?

If you’ve ever had a new tile floor put in you know that it’s not a cheap process. It’s expensive and messy, and generally turns your life upside down while your home’s floors are being torn out and then a new floor is put in. It’s really something you want to avoid having to do unless it is absolutely necessary. This is why hiring a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio is so important. 

If you keep up on your home you probably sweep and mop your floor at least a few times a week. You probably also use a sponge and cleanser and scrub your tile on occasion as well in order to keep it clean and looking it’s best. While that is definitely beneficial, it’s a far cry from what a professional tile cleaning service will do for you. A professional tile and grout cleaning company will use special cleansers that are powerful but at the same time gentle enough to not damage your tile. They will also be using steam cleaning to sanitize your floors removing all of the bacteria, mold, and other contaminants that build up on tile and in grout over time.

It's Not Just Tile, It's Grout Cleaning Too

It’s not fun to think about, but the grout between your tiles on the floor of your home is a breeding ground for germs. It’s a place where dirt and debris are easily trapped, and it requires periodic deep cleaning to remove it. This isn’t something that can be done with a brush and soap and water, it requires the touch of an expert to be done properly.  How can you pick a tile and grout cleaning service that you can trust?  The biggest concern you should be worried about if you are thinking of hiring a handyman or someone else that isn’t qualified to work on your floors shouldn’t be whether or not they do a good job.
That's why a professional is always best.  Whether that is for grout cleaning or saltillo tile cleaning and restoration in San Antonio.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, June 29, 2018

Give Your Floor a Makeover: Get Grout Color Sealing Done Today

Call a professional grout and tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050
Call a professional grout and tile
cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050

One of the most cost effective ways of giving your floor a makeover is to get grout color sealing done.

How Grout Color Sealing Can Transform Your Floor

People don't pay much attention to their grout.  However, they are aware of it on a subconscious level  especially when it is starting to look dingy.  Then the entire floor can start to look worn out.  It doesn't matte29r if you have imported saltillo tile, or bargain basement hardware ceramic, if your grout lines get dirty, then you need to see about getting grout cleaning done first, and then following it up with grout color sealing.
Can grout color sealing be done on any type of floor?  No, but you wouldn't want to do color sealing on some floors.  Saltillo tile for example, is extremely porous.  Whatever color the color seal you're using is, it will also color your saltillo as well.  While grout color sealer does wear off over time, on a porous surface, traces of the tints used in color sealing will still be present. Regular cleaning wouldn't work in the case of a saltillo floor.  You'd need to get saltillo tile restoration done at that point.

What Type of Tile Can You Do Grout Color Sealing On?

Grout color sealing or grout recoloring works best on tile that has glaze on it, such as porcelain or ceramic tile.  Once applied, it can give your floor a new look for pennies compared to what it would cost to replace your tile.  Grout color sealer matches the major grout manufacturers' color charts.  So you could go for a cool green or blue, or into a dark brown or black.  You could decide that a warmer shade is needed, so go for reds and yellows.
How does grout color sealing work?  Well, when it is applied, it seeps into the pores of the grout, and makes an impenetrable seal, while at the same time, giving your grout a new color.  It's only applied to the grout, however, so your tile color will remain the same.  Since it seals your grout, it makes it much more stain resistant than it was.
So do you want a cheap way to remodel your floor?  How about protection from stains and spills?  Then you might want to consider calling a tile cleaning service in San Antonio to do grout color sealing on your floor.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, June 22, 2018

Natural Stone Care And Cleaning in Spring Branch: What You Should Know (Conclusion

Get Natural Stone Care in Spring Branch , TX | (210) 637-5050
Get Natural Stone Care in Spring Branch , TX | (210) 637-5050

Natural stone care is just one of the services offered by a professional tile cleaning service.

Natural Stone Care: Hire a Tile Cleaning Service

As we covered previously, Because of the cost associated with repairing or replacing your stone tile you need to do your homework before hiring any stone cleaning and polishing company. The first thing you should do is ensure that any company you hire is licensed, bonded, and insured. Did you know that if you hire a handyman to do any type of work around your house the odds of you being able to recover money from them for damages is minimal at best? You could file a lawsuit, but that does not guarantee that you will get your money back.
In addition to being responsible for any damages a handyman causes to your floors or home, you could also be liable for any injuries they sustain while working on your home. That's right, an unlicensed and uninsured person working on cleaning your stone floor could very well file a lawsuit against you in the event that they get injured on the job. That fact right there should demonstrate why you should only hire a stone cleaning and polishing company that is licensed, bonded, and insured.

Protect Your Stone Floor: Hire a Spring Branch Tile Cleaning Service

Given how valuable your stone tile floor is, it's also a good idea to go beyond just looking for a company that meets the minimum standards. If you take the time to do your homework now you can often avoid a lot of trouble down the road. Fortunately, the internet makes it easier than ever before to research a company, so you really have no excuse for not finding out as much as you can about the natural stone care company you are considering using.
The Stone Floors In Your Home Should Last You A Lifetime
While ceramic and porcelain tile certainly has their benefits, there's a reason that stone tile costs more. That reason is simple, it's because it is a superior flooring material. It looks nicer, it lasts longer, and it's durable enough to stand up to far more abuse than porcelain or ceramic. If you want your stone tile floors to last and look their best, then you really should invest in hiring a professional to come out and clean and polish your stone floors on a regular basis.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, June 15, 2018

Natural Stone Care And Cleaning in Spring Branch: What You Should Know (continued)

There is a difference between hiring a tile cleaning service in Spring Branch that knows how to clean your stone surfaces and trying to clean them yourselves.
Get Professional Stone Cleaning in Spring Branch, TX | Call Us Today (210) 637-5050
Get Professional Stone Cleaning in Spring Branch, TX | Call Us Today (210) 637-5050

Why a Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Spring Branch is Your Best Bet

As we covered previously, the biggest problem with any type of tile floor isn't the tile, it's the grout. The spaces between the tiles are where all of the dirt, grime, and bacteria accumulate. When you sweep and mop you get the surfaces of the tile clean, but the grout ends up having all of the stuff cleaned off of the tile pushed into it.
A professional stone cleaning and polishing company goes beyond simply mopping and scrubbing your tile floors. They scrub your floors, but they also use steam cleaning to sanitize them. By the time a professional tile cleaning company is finished your floors should look as good as new and they should also be clean and sanitary.

Polish Your Stone Surfaces To Bring Out Their Natural Beauty

While deep cleaning of your stone floors is necessary to get them sanitary, you should also consider hiring a professional to care for your floors because they can polish them and bring out their natural beauty. People choose stone tile for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the natural beauty of this striking material. From travertine to slate, stone can add a level of elegance to any home and works with just about any type of home decor.
A common mistake that people often make is that they attempt stone cleaning and polishing themselves. While stone is known for its durability, it can be damaged if you use the wrong types of cleansers or techniques while cleaning it. When you trust a professional company to clean and polish your floors you can rest assured knowing that they have the knowledge to do the job the right way while protecting your floors.
Only Entrust A Professional Stone Cleaning And Polishing Company To Care For Your Floors
If you paid to have your stone flooring put in then you probably already know just how big of an investment having floors put in is. If you were fortunate enough to move into a home that already had stone flooring, then you should know that the cost of replacing these floors can be very high. In fact, you could buy a nice car for what a well-done stone floor will cost you. The point here is that the stone tile floors in your home represent a significant monetary value, so you need to do whatever you can to protect them.
Because of the cost associated with repairing or replacing your stone tile you need to do your homework before hiring any stone cleaning and polishing company. The first thing you should do is ensure that any company you hire is licensed, bonded, and insured.  That way you know you've found the best stone cleaning service in Spring Branch.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, June 8, 2018

Natural Stone Care And Cleaning in Spring Branch: What You Should Know

Get Stone Cleaning in Spring Branch TX| (210) 637-5050
Get Stone Cleaning in Spring Branch TX| (210) 637-5050

If you have any stone surfaces in your home, you will want to hire a stone cleaning service in Spring Branch to help maintain them and beautify them as well. 

How to Clean Stone Surfaces Safely

Natural stone care is an important process for anyone that owns a home that has natural stone flooring. Natural stone flooring is beautiful, durable, and very long lasting, provided of course that you take care of it. Stone is one of the most durable types of flooring that you can have put in, but even the most durable substances won't last very long if you don't take care of it. While you can and should clean your stone floors yourself on a regular basis, you should also make sure that you hire a professional to come out for stone cleaning and polishing. By taking care of your stone floors you can ensure that they will last a long time, maybe even for a lifetime. When you think about how expensive it would be to actually redo your floors, the idea of taking care of your floors so that you won't have to replace them should be very appealing.
Regular stone floor deep cleaning is a must. If you want to ensure that your stone floors remain in good condition then you need to have them deep cleaned on a regular basis. This doesn't mean that you have to have a company out at your house every week cleaning your floors, in fact having them deep cleaned once or twice a year should be more than sufficient.

Why You Want to Hire a Tile Cleaning Service to Do Your Stone

While sweeping and mopping do an okay job at keeping your stone floors presentable, this is not enough to keep them looking their best and keeping them clean and sanitary.
The biggest problem with any type of tile floor isn't the tile, it's the grout. The spaces between the tiles are where all of the dirt, grime, and bacteria accumulate. When you sweep and mop you get the surfaces of the tile clean, but the grout ends up having all of the stuff cleaned off of the tile pushed into it.
A professional stone cleaning and polishing company goes beyond simply mopping and scrubbing your tile floors. They scrub your floors, but they also use steam cleaning to sanitize them. By the time a professional tile cleaning service in Spring Branch is finished, your floors should look as good as new and they should also be clean and sanitary.
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Friday, June 1, 2018

San Antonio Tile And Grout Cleaning (Final Thoughts)

Call a Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Call a Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050

While we live in the age of do it yourself, there is a lot to be said for hiring a professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio.

Getting Professional Results From a San Antonio Tile and Grout Cleaning Service

From streaming media to shows on cable and satellite, and even videos online, there is a plethora of do it yourself shows out there and that includes steps on how to clean your tile and grout yourself.  However, what all of this informative content fails to stress is just how difficult it all is.  For example, grout cleaning involves being on all floors and using a toothbrush, potentially for hours at a time.  You're going to need pads for your hands and for your knees, and a back brace as well, or otherwise, when you're done, you're going to be a lot of pain, particularly if you're older or you've suffered some injury.
As we covered previously, once you realize how important it is that your tile floor is properly cared for the next thing you need to do is hire a professional company for tile cleaning and grout cleaning. There are a lot of handyman type services out there that may claim to be able to clean your tile and grout, but hiring them would be a mistake. Lacking the training, experience, supplies, and equipment of a true professional, a handyman is much less likely to do as good of a job as a professional tile cleaning company. A handyman is also much more likely to end up causing damage to your floors or another part of your home while they are working on it. The worst part is that if a handyman does damage your home or floors there's not much you can do about it and you will likely end up having to pay for the repairs yourself.

A Tile Cleaning Service Will Deliver Professional Results in a Short Amount of Time

The same holds true if you try to clean your tile yourself.  So what can you do? 
Instead of trying to save yourself a little money and risking a lot by doing so, make the smart decision and hire a professional tile cleaning company. A tile cleaning company that is licensed, bonded, and insured will not only do a better job, they will also have insurance to protect you in the event that they cause any damage while working in your home. The bottom line is that hiring a professional company for tile cleaning, grout cleaning, and grout sealing is going to be your best option.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
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Friday, May 25, 2018

San Antonio Tile And Grout Cleaning (Conclusion)

Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in
 San Antonio Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050

A San Antonio tile and grout cleaning service can help with a wide variety of services.  One of the most important of which is grout sealing.

Why You Should Seal Your Grout

As we covered previously, when you had your tile floors put in one thing that should have been done is the grout should have been sealed. Unfortunately, grout sealing doesn't last forever, and once the sealant has worn out it's important that you have your grout sealed again by a professional. Why is grout sealing important? For one thing, grout is not waterproof. It's made from a mixture of sand and mortar which makes it both inexpensive as well as flexible. The reason you need grout is to allow your rigid floor tiles to have the room to move and expand slightly. While grout works to fill the spaces between tiles, it is not waterproof which means that any liquids that come into contact with it will penetrate it. This will lead to having the grout wear out faster so that it needs to be replaced, and it could also allow moisture to get trapped under your floor.
Reapplying grout to your tile floors is not a technically challenging job, and it's also not that expensive. What it is, however, is a major inconvenience as well as a lot of work. It's going to involve spending hours on your hands and knees putting in grout, then removing the excess grout. This is hardly anybody's idea of fun, so if there were a simple way to avoid this then why wouldn't you take advantage of it?

Only Hire a Professional Grout Cleaning Service

When you hire a professional company for grout sealing they will use professional grade products while also using their years of training and expertise to ensure that the job is done the right way. Ultimately what you should realize is that the cost of grout sealing is well worth it. It will help your grout to last longer, which will save you money as well as a lot of hard work.
Once you realize how important it is that your tile floor is properly cared for the next thing you need to do is hire a professional company for tile cleaning and grout cleaning. There are a lot of handyman type services out there that may claim to be able to clean your tile and grout, but hiring them would be a mistake.

Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, May 18, 2018

San Antonio Tile And Grout Cleaning (Contd.)

A tile cleaning service in San Antonio isn't just about cleaning your tile.  It's also about cleaning and possibly sealing your grout too...
[caption id="attachment_771" align="alignleft" width="300"]These could be your grout lines | Call your tile cleaning service in San Antonio | 210-637-5050 These could be your grout lines | Call your tile cleaning service in San Antonio | 210-637-5050[/caption]

Why Is Grout Cleaning Important?

As we covered previously, a professional tile and grout cleaning company doesn't use a simple mopping process to clean your tile floors. Instead, they will use a powerful steam cleaner to sanitize them, and then a vacuum to remove anything that may have been trapped in the grout. They will then polish your floors, and if you elect to have them do it they may also apply a floor sealer. While a floor sealer is an additional expense, it is well worth it because it helps to protect your floors so that they will last longer.
When it comes to cleaning your tile floors cleaning the actual tile is fairly simple. In fact, with something as simple as a mop and some bleach you can easily clean and disinfect your tile floors without much difficulty and get some of the results that you would have with a tile cleaning service. So why would you want to hire a professional company for grout cleaning? Because while you probably spend a good amount of time sweeping and mopping your floors it's very unlikely that you dedicate as much time and effort into cleaning the grout. That's where all of the dirt, grime, and germs are going to build up over time.

The Importance of Grout Sealing

While you could try to scrub the grout out by hand, this is both time consuming as well as bad for your grout. When you apply a lot of pressure and scrub your grout you will succeed in cleaning it, but you'll also succeed in wearing it down more quickly. That's why a professional tile cleaning company is a better option. Instead of scrubbing your grout they will use a steam cleaner and vacuum, which will leave the grout clean without damaging it.
When you had your tile floors put in one thing that should have been done is the grout should have been sealed. Unfortunately, grout sealing doesn't last forever, and once the sealant has worn out it's important that you have your grout sealed again by a professional. Why is grout sealing important? For one thing, grout is not waterproof. It's made from a mixture of sand and mortar which makes it both inexpensive as well as flexible.
So remember, that's the true mark of a professional.  They don't just clean your tile.  They clean your grout as well. 
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, May 11, 2018

San Antonio Tile And Grout Cleaning

Call a professional grout and tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050
Call a professional grout and tile cleaning
service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050

A tile cleaning service in San Antonio can not only help you to clean your tile, they can help you restore it as well.

Why Hiring A Professional Tile Cleaning Service To Clean Your Tile Floors Is Your Best Option

Hiring a professional tile cleaning service to handle your tile cleaning needs is the best way to ensure that your tiles look their best and last for as long as possible. Depending on the type of tile flooring you have it may last a lifetime, but only if it is properly cared for. Anyone that has ever paid to have a tile floor put in will tell you that it can get very expensive very quickly. That's why it's a much better idea to take care of the tile floor that you have rather than having to pay for expensive repairs or even for a new floor altogether. While you can certainly handle normal tile cleaning that includes sweeping and mopping when the time comes for a thorough deep cleaning this is the type of job that is definitely best left to the professionals.
While tile floors can be quite beautiful, they also require a fair amount of maintenance to keep them that way. When you mop your floors you are probably going to do a fair job of cleaning the actual tile. The problem here isn't so much the tile, rather it is the grout.

Grout Care and Grout Cleaning

The grout that goes between your tiles is at a slightly lower level than the tiles themselves, so when you sweep and mop the floors what you are doing is trapping a lot of dirt in the grout. This will stain the grout and cause it to wear out faster, not to mention the fact that you are trapping a lot of germs in there as well.  That's why grout sealing is also a good idea.
A professional tile and grout cleaning company doesn't use a simple mopping process to clean your tile floors. Instead, they will use a powerful steam cleaner to sanitize them, and then a vacuum to remove anything that may have been trapped in the grout. They will then polish your floors, and if you elect to have them do it they may also apply a floor sealer. While a floor sealer is an additional expense, it is well worth it because it helps to protect your floors so that they will last longer.
So they clean as well as protect. Good reasons to hire a professional San Antonio tile cleaning service today.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, May 4, 2018

Saltillo Tile: Cleaning and Restoration in San Antonio (Conclusion)

San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050
San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050

Saltillo tile cleaning and restoration should be left in the hands of a professional.  Here's why.

Saltillo Tile Cleaning and Restoration

As we covered previously, it's important to remember how much tile floors cost to install is that hiring someone that doesn't know what they are doing could end up forcing you to redo your floors. Tile floor restoration involves a lot more than just scrubbing the floors, and if a mistake is made during the cleaning and restoration process it can lead to your floors being damaged beyond repair. If this does happen and is the fault of the handyman you have hired, chances are pretty good that you won't be able to get them to pay for the repairs.
On the other hand, should you hire a professional saltillo tile cleaning and restoration service that is licensed, bonded, and insured, then you don't have to worry about having to cover the cost of repairs should your floor be damaged. Not only will a licensed, bonded, and insured company provides you protection in the event that there is an accident, chances are pretty good that you won't need that protection. For any professional tile cleaning and restoration company, their reputation means a lot. So in the rare event that something does go wrong during your Saltillo tile cleaning and restoration odds are the company will take care of it for you.

Paying To Restore Your Saltillo Tile Isn't An Expense It's An Investment

One reason that some people may hesitate to have saltillo tile restoration done is that it's an expense that they want to avoid. Rather than think of it as an expense, try instead to think about the many benefits you will get when you restore your saltillo tile. First, you are going to add a lot of beauty to your home.
It's your home, so why wouldn't you want to do whatever you can to make it as nice as possible? If you are concerned with the financial side of things then think about how a saltillo tile floor that is in great condition will add value to your home. A floor that is in good condition can add thousands of dollars to the value of your home, which means that Saltillo tile cleaning and restoration is much more of an investment than it is an actual expense.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, April 27, 2018

Saltillo Tile: Cleaning and Restoration in San Antonio (Continued)

Saltillo cleaning and restoration is all about the details.  What does that mean?  Well...
Saltillo Tile Restoration in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Saltillo Tile Restoration in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050

Get Professional Saltillo Tile Cleaning and Restoration

As we covered previously, once the floors have been scrubbed they will then be sanitized with a steam cleaner. At this point, your floors will be inspected thoroughly to determine whether or not the grout needs to be redone. A lot of people don't know that grout rarely lasts forever unless you take great care to protect it. If the grout needs to be redone then the company will scrape out the old grout and then apply new grout. If the grout can be saved then they will usually apply a dye to it to restore it to a uniform color. The last step in the process as far as the grout is concerned involves applying a grout sealer to keep the grout from becoming dirty or discolored again.

Over time saltillo tile tends to fade and become discolored. Fortunately, when you restore your saltillo tile this problem can be addressed. When a new sealer is applied to your tile floor you will be given the option of using a sealer that is completely clear or one that has been tinted with color. In most cases choosing a sealer with a color tint is going to be your best option since it will restore a more uniform color and appearance to your floor.

Make Sure That You Only Hire A Qualified Professional For Saltillo Tile Cleaning And Restoration

Before making the mistake of hiring someone that is not a professional Saltillo tile cleaning and restoration expert, take a moment to think about how much of an investment your floors are. If you have to replace the floors in your home you are going to be looking at a bill that will easily reach into the range of several thousand dollars, and that's assuming that you do the work yourself. What happens if you hire a professional contractor to do the work, then you are going to be looking at a cost that is probably going to be around three times higher due to the high cost of labor associated with having flooring put in.

The reason it's important to remember how much tile floors cost to install is that hiring someone that doesn't know what they are doing could end up forcing you to redo your floors. Tile floor restoration involves a lot more than just scrubbing the floors, and if a mistake is made during the saltillo tile cleaning and restoration process it can lead to your floors being damaged beyond repair.


Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, April 20, 2018

Saltillo Tile: Cleaning and Restoration in San Antonio

Call a professional saltillo tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050
Call a professional saltillo
 tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050

If you have saltillo, you might want to consider getting saltillo tile cleaning and restoration in San Antonio done.

Why You Need Saltillo Restoration

Saltillo tile is a popular choice because it offers a unique and attractive flooring choice for homeowners. Like any other type of tile floor, it's important that Saltillo tile floors are kept clean and well maintained. If you have allowed your saltillo tile floors to be neglected, or you have just moved into a home where they have been neglected, then you are going to need to restore your saltillo tile.

The good news is that if you find a skilled saltillo tile cleaning and restoration company they should be able to restore the beauty of your floors even if they are very dirty and neglected. While the cost to restore your saltillo tile may be an expense, it's one that is well worth it. Not only will well maintained floors add value to your home, paying for tile restoration is by far less expensive than actually paying to have your floors redone.

What Is Involved In Saltillo Tile Cleaning And Restoration?

Saltillo cleaning and restoration involves a lot more than simply mopping up the floor. A professional tile restoration and cleaning company will likely go through a series of steps in order to restore your old and worn down floors to their former beauty. In most cases, the first step in Saltillo tile cleaning and restoration is going to involve removing the old acrylic seal that was likely put on top of the floors once they were put in. This old acrylic seal will have to be stripped off, a job that is definitely best left to the pros.
Once the old acrylic sealant has been stripped off the next step is going to involve a deep cleaning of the floor. This will usually involve scrubbing the tile to remove anything that has built up on the surface, as well as cleaning out the grout. Once the floors have been scrubbed they will then be sanitized with a steam cleaner. At this point, your floors will be inspected thoroughly to determine whether or not the grout needs to be redone.
All of this and more are reasons to contact a professional saltillo tile restoration service in San Antonio.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, April 13, 2018

Saltillo Cleaning and Restoration in San Antonio

Restore Your Saltillo Tile Today | (210) 637-5050
Restore Your Saltillo Tile Today | (210) 637-5050

Is cleaning saltillo hard?  How hard is it to clean saltillo tile?  This article will explore what saltillo is, and the recommended way to clean it and restore it.  First though, what is saltillo?

Saltillo Cleaning and Restoration: Facts About Saltillo

Saltillo is a type of terra-cotta tile. Though it originates from the city that bears it's name in Coahulia, Mexico, now saltillo is manufactured all over Mexico. Saltillo is usually in shades of yellow, orange, or red. Because some saltillo is red, some people automatically think that all saltillo is is sliced up bricks. However, it is more closely related to terra cotta, which means that it is extremely porous and subject to staining if you don't know what you're doing. Saltillo tiles are either pressed or carved. You are probably better off calling a tile cleaning service in San Antonio that specializes in saltillo cleaning and restoration.
Is cleaning saltillo hard? It can be, yes. Again, it's porous, so you have to find a cleaning agent that not only cleans your saltillo, it won't stain it either.  One reason why saltillo is so absorbent is that unlike most ceramic tile, saltillo is not glazed.  How hard is it to clean saltillo tile?  Again, look at how porous it is.  When it's made for example, even skin oils can stain it.  Another reason to hire a a professional saltillo restoration service is that they can seal your saltillo and make it impervious to stains. 

Saltillo Sealing: Part of Saltillo Restoration

Saltillo's rich red hues help to add to the ambiance of any San Antonio home.  As a result, you want it to look it's best.  That's where a professional saltillo restoration service in San Antonio comes in.  They will apply a clear sealant that will fill in the pores and form a barrier to any stone.  They can also give you some care tips to tide you over between visits. 

You definitely want a pro's assistance, however.  Do not try to clean your saltillo tile yourself.  The slightest mistake, and you'll either have to replace your saltillo or find a way of covering it up. 

So, keep your home beautiful.  Follow the care instructions for your floor type, and call a saltillo cleaning service in San Antonio today. 

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
More Info About Saltillo Restoration

Friday, April 6, 2018

How to Find the Best Tile and Grout Cleaning Service Provider in Spring Branch, TX (Conclusion)

Spring Branch Tile Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050
 Spring Branch Tile Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050

You want to do a bit of homework before you hire a Spring Branch tile cleaning service. One way to find a good one is look at their online reviews and testimonials.  But how accurate are they.

Take Reviews With a Grain of Salt: Look at Your Tile Cleaning Service's Experience Level and License

As we covered previously,some service providers often pay for fake – cooked up - reviews in an effort to portray an impressive service delivery track record intended to lure you into hiring their services. Therefore, before you base your decision on high ratings and reviews, ensure that they meet most, if not all, of the other qualities mentioned in this article.
The best way to gauge how serious a tile cleaning company in Spring Branch is to check whether they are licensed and insured. Being licensed means that they are legally recognized by the state and are authorized to offer these services.
So, where does insurance come in? Damages during tile and grout cleaning procedures rarely occur, but in case they do, an insurance cover guarantees you full compensation for the damages you may incur. That's why it would be prudent to confirm this before hiring a cleaning company.

Service Packages: Another Sign of a Professional Tile Cleaning Service

Different service providers offer different packages. Now, depending on your needs, finding a company that offers an all-inclusive service package may be a great idea. These packages may include tile cleaning, grout cleaning, grout sealing, stone cleaning and restoration services all bundled into one package.
Obviously, it is way cheaper to get a comprehensive service package rather than paying for each service individually. But, if you are just in need of one or two cleaning services, then paying for them individually would be a more cost-effective option.
Lastly, how affordable, are they? Yes, cost matters a lot. There's no point of paying expensively for services that you would have gotten for less. This doesn't necessarily imply that cheap offers are the best – No, that is far from that. It's just meant to push you to find the best offers before hiring.
And that's why a little bit of research is always advisable. This helps you to locate the best companies that offer their cleaning services at the most competitive rates. A dollar saved is a dollar earned, right?
As you can see, finding the best tile and grout cleaning company is not that hard. It just takes a little research and time. Therefore, stop worrying about your messy, unappealing and hard to clean tiles and grout lines – let the professionals handle that for you. To you, it may be a hard and demanding task, but to them, it's always a walk in the park. A reputable cleaning tile cleaning service will have your tiles clean and shining in a jiffy.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, March 30, 2018

How to Find the Best Tile and Grout Cleaning Service Provider in Spring Branch, TX (Contd.)

A professional tile cleaning service in Spring Branch brings knowledge, experience, and professionalism to any tile or grout cleaning project.
Call a Tile Cleaning Service in Spring Branch TX | (210) 637-5050
Call a Tile Cleaning Service in Spring Branch TX | (210) 637-5050

As we covered previously,despite the fact that tile cleaning is not exactly rocket science, it does require a great level of skill if it is to be done correctly. This means using the right tools and cleaning agents, especially when cleaning those hard-to-reach spots on the grout lines – yet another reason why it's best to leave these tasks to the experts.

Call a Tile Cleaning Service in Spring Branch and See The Difference the Pros Can Make

Note that a service offered is only as good as the materials used; simply put, a high-quality tile cleaning job can only be done using high-quality tools and cleaners. And that's why reputable tile and grout cleaning companies always use the best tools and cleaners. That way, you are assured of satisfactory services. After all, you are paying for it, aren't you?
When searching for the best tile cleaning service in Spring Branch, know that techniques matter a lot. Why? Professional tile cleaning is not something that can be done on a daily basis (it's neither time nor cost effective), it needs to be done right and the new look of your tiles has to last a while.
Therefore, the methods employed by the cleaning company should be effective and long-lasting. Also, expert cleaners always get the job done in good time to ensure you don't get inconvenienced by the whole cleaning process. If you find a company that offers you exemplary services in the shortest time frame, then you have yourself a winner.

User Rating and Reviews: Find the Best Spring Branch Tile Cleaning Service

How can you tell whether a company delivers top-quality services yet you've never had the chance to sample their tile and grout cleaning services? It's quite simple. Check out what their previous clients are saying about them.
User ratings and reviews always offer you useful information that you can use to paint a better picture of what to expect from the tile cleaning service provider. Good reviews mean better services. BUT! You should note that not all good reviews are genuine.

Some tile cleaning service providers often pay for fake – cooked up - reviews in an effort to portray an impressive service delivery track record intended to lure you into hiring their services. Therefore, before you base your decision on high ratings and reviews, ensure that they meet most, if not all, of the other qualities mentioned in this article.

That way you know you haven't just found a tile cleaning service.  You've found the best tile cleaning company in Spring Branch.


Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, March 23, 2018

How to Find the Best Tile and Grout Cleaning Service Provider in Spring Branch, TX

Have you considered hiring a tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio? If not, you should…
Professional tile and grout cleaning can
give you results like this |

A Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio Has Your Back

Are you having trouble cleaning your tiles? If so, have you tried hiring a tile cleaning service to help you with that tedious task? We can all agree that tile or grout cleaning is never easy. And no matter how much time you spend cleaning them, they’ll still turn dull and unattractive. So, how can you fix this? Simple: find a reputable tile cleaning service company in San Antonio, TX.
There are quite a number of reasons why it’s wise to hire these companies. For one, they have the skills needed to get the job done. Also, their experience in the industry gives them an upper edge in that they’ll know what to do and which materials to use in order to clean your tiles and grout perfectly.

This only goes to show how important it is to hire a professional company. But, you may be wondering: how can you find an effective tile and grout cleaning service provider? Well, with the right information, the whole process is quite easy.

Industry Background and Experience: What You Can Expect from a San Antonio Tile Cleaning Service

The only things that separates an effective San Antonio tile cleaning service from the rest is experience, background and professionalism. Experience means that they’ve been cleaning tiles for so long that they can write a comprehensive book about the best cleaning practices without breaking a sweat – no pun intended. An experienced company knows everything there is to know about tile and grout cleaning.

For instance, they should have a few effective tile and grout cleaning tips, tricks, tools, best cleaners, and useful recommendations on how to keep your tiles sparkly at all times. This not only gives you great value for your money but also takes away any doubts you may have about getting sub-standard services.

Despite the fact that tile cleaning is not exactly rocket science, it does require a
great level of skill if it is to be done correctly. This means using the right tools and cleaning agents, especially when cleaning those hard-to-reach spots on the grout lines – yet another reason why it’s best to leave these tasks to the experts.
So remember, while it is good to save money, it’s also good to spend money wisely.  One of the best ways is to hire a company specializing in tile and grout cleaning in San Antonio

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, March 16, 2018

Bathroom Remodeling in San Antonio: The Professional Touch

Call a professional tile cleaning service in Terrell Hills| (210) 637-5050
A bathroom remodeling service in San Antonio
is the first service you should call |

How do you remodel your bathroom?  The best way is to hire a professional service to do it.

How Can I Remodel My Bathroom Myself?

Doing bathroom remodeling in San Antonio is based on a few things.  If you have imagination, the right tools and supplies, and most importantly the time to do this project, then  you should do fine, however, if you have any shortage of time, your bathroom remodeling project will soon become a nightmare.  Everything that you can do to remodel your bathroom involves your bathroom being closed while you remodel it.  If you're like most people, you probably work and/or go to school. In addition to lacking time, if you don't know what you're doing then you will soon be in way over your head.  Not to mention the fact that your bathroom will be down until you get the time to finish the project.  And remodeling your bathroom means that you have an idea of what you want to do with your bathroom as well as what your budget is.

That's why hiring a bathroom remodeling service in San Antonio might be your best bet.  Not only will they come with amazing ideas, they'll be able to get the materials and supplies a lot cheaper than you will, and in addition, they will know what they are doing.  They could help you install some new tile, or maybe some new fixtures.  They can give your existing tile and grout a new look with grout color sealing.  And those are just some of the services a professional bathroom remodeling service can offer. A professional can even go the extra mile for you.  He can recommend several bathroom remodeling tips that will fit within your budget as well as your idea for your bathroom.

Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Here are some tips to consider.

Never go cheap.  While it is great to want to save money, if you want Spanish porcelain tile in  your bathroom, and instead to save money you go for linoleum, then your bathroom will look like an afterthought.  Want copper fixtures and an antique claw-footed bath? Then a re-bath and antique chrome fixtures won't work.  So many people settle, and aren't happy with the result.

Don't be afraid to spend money, but don't be fooled.  If it's in your budget, definitely shell out some money for quality.  But make sure the ratio between cost and quality are worth it.  If you see some marble tile for your bathroom that has labels like "Imported from Peru!" or has a designer label on it, that doesn't mean it is worth your money.   Shop around.

Know your limits.  If you have a budget of $500 to remodel your bathroom, and your final estimates are $2,000, don't try to remodel your bathroom in phases or keep the materials around until you can get to it.  Soon you'll have a pile of broken dreams and everyone will think you hoard bathroom remodeling items.  With that in mind, know what you can and can't do.  If  you know nothing about putting new tile in, or replacing bathroom fixtures, then don't try.  Save yourself a lot of trouble and just hire a bathroom remodeling company in San Antonio, TX.

More Info About Bathroom Remodeling

Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us Today