Get Professional Marble and Stone Cleaning in San Antonio, TX | Call Us Today (210) 637-5050 |
Never try to clean marble tile yourself. You could end up damaging not only your grout, but your stone tile as well.
Marble Tile Cleaning and Polishing in San Antonio
As we covered previously, marble is considered timeless and elegant. It can reflect adaptive modernization and rich history at the same time. On the flip side, marble is not cheap. It is relatively expensive to use and attention to detail is required. Any construction expert can attest that installing marble tiles for example can not only be a chore, but also a tedious project. Marble tiles need to be lined up and viewed in entirety to see if the design matches in every tile before installing them. Cleaning of marble tiles is not as easy as it may seem. Like any stone tile, it requires high maintenance. Regular cleaning is demanded. You cannot leave dirt, smudge or spills for too long. They can leave a mark that would be impossible to remove.A lot of people think it is simple to clean marble tiles. A common misconception is that piece of cloth and any cleaning product would be enough to clean marble tiles. Marble tiles are porous, meaning they can easily absorb any substance that comes in contact with them. Marble is also sensitive to acid. So whether it is acid found in food like citrus fruits, wine or synthetic cleaning products, we need to be extremely careful what we allow to touch marble tiles. Marble can also be very sensitive to stains. A little pigment left for too long can blend into marble and completely ruin the look of any floor or room.
Marble is Expensive: Hire a Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio
Let's repeat that. Marble is expensive. Hire a professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio. First off, they'll know what NOT to do as well as the proper way to clean marble and even in some cases restore it. They can also give you tips and advice to keep marble clean between visits, and maybe recommend regimens like stone sealing to help keep liquid and spills out.A professional tile cleaning service will also know the difference between shine levels and help you to get not only the gloss level, but do it in a safe way. All of these reasons and more are ones to contact a marble cleaning service in San Antonio.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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