Part one of a series on grout sealing explores the concept and why you should consider getting it done for your floor.
Why Should You Get Grout Sealing Done
Why should you get grout sealing done? Let's start with clear sealing first. Whether you are using resin-based grout or concrete-based grout, both types have one thing in common: They are extremely porous. As a result of this, that means anything from spills to dirt tracked in from outside can leave stains on your grout. Most grout lines are snow white when they are first laid down. Over time, however, grout lines can darken to the point of being black.
Even mopping your floor with slightly dirty water can cause your grout to become stained. Another problem that you will face without cleaning and sealing your grout is some stains are worse than others. For example, anything corrosive can eat away at your grout and tile. The worst types of grout damage are not just the gaps or cracks you can see, but the ones that are underneath the tile.
Grout is not just between the tile, it is also a bit under each tile as well. As a result, it acts like a cushion for your tile and helps to strengthen it. When there is a gap under the tile, it can cause pressure to be placed on the tile without any support. This can lead to a cracked tile. The key to stopping this from happening is a two pronged approach.
Grout Cleaning and Sealing: The Two Pronged Approach
First off, you want to clean your grout. This will remove any dirt as well as bleaching out any stains. Once it has been cleaned, then you want to make sure that you get clear coat sealant applied. This sealer will fill the pores of not only your grout but your tile as well. As a result, you will have a liquid proof barrier between your tile as well as your grout and anything that can stain it or otherwise mar it's appearance. In addition, clear grout sealing lasts for a long time, sometimes as much as a decade. One other benefit is that it makes your floor shine.
So let's recap shall we? It protects your tile. It also protects your grout. It keeps your floor shiny and bright. All of these are very good reasons to get grout sealing done.
This concludes part one of our series on grout sealing. For more information on this topic, be sure to read part two and part three as well.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050