Friday, September 15, 2017

Stone Restoration Service in San Antonio: Protecting Your Stone (Contd.)

Stone restoration services in San Antonio don't just clean and restore your stone, they protect it as well.
Stone restoration in San Antonio Protects Your Outside Stone | (210) 637-5050
Stone restoration in San Antonio Protects Your Outside Stone | (210) 637-5050

Professional Stone Cleaning:  Take Care of Your External Stone Surfaces

As we covered previously, there are many different natural stone surfaces to be found both inside and outside of your home. These stone surfaces can be notoriously difficult to clean using regular household detergents, particular as over time they may become susceptible to wear and tear, and in the case of exterior stone, damage from the elements. And exterior stone work needs different care than stone that is inside the home.  
Stonework found outside of the home may include patios, driveways, cladding, steps, paths, patios
and walls. These stone surfaces can easily become damaged and stained over time by factors such as algae, moss, mud, paint, grease or oil stains, smoke and fire, and watermarks. These elements will leave your lovely outdoor stonework looking less than impressive and potentially cause deep-seated damage.In addition, stonework is porous and may hold onto less than pleasant odors. Animal droppings and urine, or insect nests may all leave areas of your stonework a no-go area due to the smell it emits.  A professional stone cleaning company can address all of these issues when cleaning stonework outside of the home. Using up to the minute techniques and materials, a variety of different stone
surfaces such as limestone, sandstone, and flagstone  can be cleaned and restored. Deep cleaning of outdoor stonework will also remove foul odors and allow you the full freedom of your backyard again. One way that a stone cleaning service in San Antonio  can help is clean your flagstone.

Clean Your Flagstone: Hire a Stone Cleaning Service

"Flagstone is a sedimentary rock that is split into layers along bedding planes. Flagstone is usually a form of a sandstone composed of feldspar and quartz and is arenaceous in grain size (0.16 mm – 2 mm in diameter). The material that binds flagstone is usually composed of silica, calcite, or iron oxide. The rock color usually comes from these cementing materials. Typical flagstone colors are red, blue, and buff, though exotic colors exist. Flagstone is quarried in places with bedded sedimentary rocks with fissile bedding planes. Examples include Arizona flagstone and Pennsylvania Bluestone." [VIEW SOURCE ARTICLE]
Flagstone adds elegance to a patio area, particularly a pool area.  A stone care service can help you to not only clean your stone, but protect it from moisture, and give it a safe non-slick surface.  But that is just one of the many services that a stone cleaning and restoration service can offer you.  
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050