How hard is it to clean your grout yourself? Well, the answer to that question depends on a lot of factors.
Grout Cleaning: What You'll Need
If you want to clean your grout yourself, here is what you're going to need. First off, you're going to need kneepads. Makes sense if you think about it. The floor is the lowest point of your home, so you're going to have to get close to it in order to clean it. You will also need a nylon brush, such as a toothbrush in order to properly clean your grout lines.
You might also want some padded gloves to ease strain on your wrists. If you have any sort of back, hip, or joint problems, you are probably better off hiring a professional grout cleaning service in San Antonio to clean your tile and your grout for you.
Hire a Tile Cleaning Service Instead
Why should you hire a tile cleaning service instead? For one, they have a ton of experience. They also have all the knowledge, tools, and equipment to do your job quickly and right the first time. They can recommend procedures to help you between visits, such as grout sealing. They can offer ways to not only dramatically change your floor's appearance, but to help protect it from stains and damage. With that said, here are some grout cleaning tips if you insist on doing it yourself from Melanie Pinola at LIFEHACKER.COM:
"Even with regular floor mopping, shower wall scrubbing, and countertop cleaning, tile grout inevitably gets filthy. This homemade grout cleaning solution can get rid of those grout stains with less elbow grease than you might expect.
The powerful combo: equal parts white vinegar and Dawn dish soap. Jo-Anna on A Pretty Life in the Suburbs recommends heating the cup of vinegar for one minute in the microwave, then mixing in the soap. Spray on your grout lines, let sit for a few minutes, then scrub before wiping off with a wet cloth.
(Unfortunately, we're all still waiting on a completely no-scrub solution, but this one helps lift up the dirt thanks in large part to the acidic powers of vinegar."[SOURCE]
One thing you want to be careful of if you are trying to clean your grout yourself is to avoid using any harsh chemicals such as bleach or ammonia. Both of these can conceivably strip your tile's glaze as well as your grout. If you're going to try to clean your grout yourself, make sure you know what you're doing. Otherwise, call a tile cleaning service in San Antonio.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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