Friday, July 27, 2018

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio: The Insider's Guide to Cleaning Your Tile and Grout

Call a professional grout and tile cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050
Call a professional grout and tile
cleaning service in San Antonio| (210) 637-5050

There is a wrong way and a right way  to clean your tile and grout.  So which is which?

The Right Way to Clean Your Grout and Tile

With the busy and stressful pace of life that we have today in the US, especially in bigger cities,  like San Antonio, it is often difficult to take time to meet all our daily obligations, much less do any projects like cleaning your tile and grout.

We want to be able to do it all, but the reality is that no matter how hard we try, we are not superheroes and if we are pressed for time, the best option is to have a little help from professionals with experience and that make things a little easier, such as a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio.
In this way, not only will we get the house always clean, but we can also have more time for ourselves that we can dedicate to our family as well as our hobbies and interests.

What Are The Advantages of Hiring a San Antonio Tile Cleaning Service?

We know what you're thinking.  Don't tile cleaning services cost money?  Of course.  However, the advantages of hiring professional tile cleaning services outweigh the costs, starting with how back-breaking and difficult it is to clean  your tile and grout yourself.

If you hire a professional tile cleaner, you can always rest assured that at the end of your  work day you will have one less thing on your plate, and you can count on the results that they'll give you, namely clean grout lines and sparkling tile.  Hiring a tile cleaner will allow you to focus on those tasks in your agenda that are really important instead of worrying about housework all the time.

Hiring tile cleaning services is the perfect solution if you do not have time to do it yourself, but you want to have the house always clean and tidy.  If you need more reasons, consider this.  If you don't know what you're doing, you can potentially damage your tile as well as your grout.
Grout, for example is extremely porous.  Not surprising, as most grout is made out of sand.  Have you ever heard of sand that wasn't porous.  A lot of times, people will make the mistake of wet-mopping a floor.  If you have your grout sealed, this isn't a problem.  If not, then if you choose to wet mop your floor, your grout will be saturated, and can start crumbling under your tile.  Professional grout cleaning uses far less water.
There are even more pitfalls, but for now, just know that hiring a tile cleaning service is probably a better idea.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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Friday, July 20, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio (Conclusion)

Saltillo Tile Restoration | San Antonio | 210-637-5050
Saltillo Tile Restoration | San Antonio | 210-637-5050

Regular tile cleaning in San Antonio is challenging enough,but what about saltillo tile cleaning?

What Is Saltillo Tile Cleaning And Why Is It Particularly Challenging?

As we covered previously, a professional tile and grout cleaning service will have access to tools, equipment, cleansers, and trained personnel that can clean and sanitize your tile and grout safely. Like any other professional company, the tile and grout cleaner you hire will likely value their reputation, which means that they will do whatever they can to make certain that you are a happy customer.
That kind of an issue can end up costing them a lot of money in lost future business, so chances are they will be more than happy to make things right with you. In fact, an issue where the company is clearly wrong and won't fix things is the type of issue that can actually end up causing a company to go out of business. In the event that you have hired a stubborn contractor that engages in poor business practices and refuses to fix things, then you can file a complaint with the Registrar of Contractors. This will usually enable you to get the money necessary to fix your tile, and it will also show up on the floor cleaning contractor’s record.  Then you just need to call a  tile and grout cleaning service that is professional.

Saltillo Restoration: Call a Pro

Saltillo  a beautiful type of terra-cotta type of tile that is unique in what it takes to properly care for it. Saltillo tile comes in many different shapes and colors, but the one thing that all varieties of it have in common is that it is particularly difficult to install and also to clean. Saltillo tile doesn’t have a glaze on it like most other tiles do, which means that it absorbs water. When you are cleaning it using excessive amounts of water can actually damage the tile, which can be quite expensive to repair.  Rather than using water, a specific type of alkaline cleanser needs to be used on Saltillo tile.
This, combined with scrubbing with a moderately abrasive cleaning pad can successfully remove most of the dirt and grime from a Saltillo tile floor, without damaging the floor in the process. This type of alkaline cleaner can be very corrosive and can injure you if you don’t use the proper protective equipment. It’s also possible to use too strong of an alkaline cleaner that hasn’t been properly diluted, this can damage your floor.  Because of the unique challenges associated with Saltillo tile cleaning, this is a job that is definitely best left to a tile and grout cleaning service. When you are looking for the right tile and grout cleaning service to clean your Saltillo tile floor, you need to make sure that they have experience in cleaning this specific type of tile.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning

4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, July 13, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio (Contd.)

Cleaning your tile and grout yourself could possibly endanger your floor or worse, your health.
Saltillo Tile Restoration | (210) 637-5050
 Saltillo Tile Restoration brings the beauty of your floor back. (210) 637-5050

Why You Shouldn't Try to Clean Your Tile Yourself

As we covered previously, the grout between your tiles on the floor of your home is a breeding ground for germs. It’s a place where dirt and debris are easily trapped, and it requires periodic deep cleaning to remove it. This isn’t something that can be done with a brush and soap and water, it requires the touch of an expert to be done properly.  How can you pick a tile and grout cleaning service that you can trust?  The biggest concern you should be worried about if you are thinking of hiring a handyman or someone else that isn’t qualified to work on your floors shouldn’t be whether or not they do a good job.
What your main concern should be is whether or not they are going to damage your floors. If you hire a handyman to clean your tile and grout and he doesn’t do a good job, you are lucky if you are only out the money you paid them. Your lucky because there’s a very good chance that they will damage your floors, which could necessitate having them repaired, or even replaced. It’s because of the risk of having your floors damaged that you should only trust a professional tile and grout cleaning service rather than risk hiring a handyman.

Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning in San Antonio is Best

A professional tile and grout cleaning service will have access to tools, equipment, cleansers, and trained personnel that can clean and sanitize your tile and grout safely. Like any other professional company, the tile and grout cleaner you hire will likely value their reputation, which means that they will do whatever they can to make certain that you are a happy customer. So, what happens if the tile and grout cleaning company you hire does a poor job or even damages your tile? Well, you have to remember that there’s a good chance that they will make things right on their own. They have a reputation to protect, and if it gets out that they not only damaged a customer’s tile floor but also refused to repair it, then that’s going to look really bad.
That's one of the biggest reasons to hire a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio: reputation.


Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, July 6, 2018

Saltillo Tile Restoration and Cleaning in San Antonio

San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050
San Antonio Saltillo Cleaning Service |
(210) 637-5050

Tile and grout cleaning in San Antonio is hardly the most exciting thing that you need to do in terms of home maintenance, but it is certainly one of the most important ones. Why is it so important that you have tile and grout cleaning done by a professional on a regular basis? Because, if you don’t you are risking permanent damage to your floors...

What’s The Difference Between Regular Tile Cleaning And Professional Deep Cleaning?

If you’ve ever had a new tile floor put in you know that it’s not a cheap process. It’s expensive and messy, and generally turns your life upside down while your home’s floors are being torn out and then a new floor is put in. It’s really something you want to avoid having to do unless it is absolutely necessary. This is why hiring a professional tile and grout cleaning service in San Antonio is so important. 

If you keep up on your home you probably sweep and mop your floor at least a few times a week. You probably also use a sponge and cleanser and scrub your tile on occasion as well in order to keep it clean and looking it’s best. While that is definitely beneficial, it’s a far cry from what a professional tile cleaning service will do for you. A professional tile and grout cleaning company will use special cleansers that are powerful but at the same time gentle enough to not damage your tile. They will also be using steam cleaning to sanitize your floors removing all of the bacteria, mold, and other contaminants that build up on tile and in grout over time.

It's Not Just Tile, It's Grout Cleaning Too

It’s not fun to think about, but the grout between your tiles on the floor of your home is a breeding ground for germs. It’s a place where dirt and debris are easily trapped, and it requires periodic deep cleaning to remove it. This isn’t something that can be done with a brush and soap and water, it requires the touch of an expert to be done properly.  How can you pick a tile and grout cleaning service that you can trust?  The biggest concern you should be worried about if you are thinking of hiring a handyman or someone else that isn’t qualified to work on your floors shouldn’t be whether or not they do a good job.
That's why a professional is always best.  Whether that is for grout cleaning or saltillo tile cleaning and restoration in San Antonio.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
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