Friday, January 26, 2018

Tile Cleaning in Terrell Hills: Important Things to Know

Call a professional tile cleaning service in Terrell Hills | (210) 637-5050
Call a professional tile cleaning service
in Terrell Hills | (210) 637-5050

If you're looking for a tile cleaning service in Terrell Hills, you're on the right path.  You're on the path to having floors that look like you spent a lot of money on them.

Clean Your Tile- What You Need to Consider When Undertaking Tile Cleaning in Terrell Hills

Your floors might be the pride and joy of your home. For this reason, keeping them pristine might be of top priority for you. However, considering the many options out there to clean your floors, it might get confusing to choose a method that can help you get them looking good and clean in a short amount of time. This is a problem for most new homeowners that have no experience in this field and have relied on services to get the job done.   As this article will demonstrate, hiring a tile cleaning service in Terrell Hills is actually a very good idea.

Professional Tile Cleaning is All About Knowing Your Tile

First off, you have to know what your tile is made of.  When it comes to tile cleaning, the first thing that you might want to be careful about is the material that is used in the tiles. You wouldn't want to use something that is not meant for your tiles. This is one of the common reasons for tiles to get damaged and lose their luster in a short period. A professional tile cleaning service will be knowledgeable about these tiles to help you out and identify the right cleaning supplies to help brighten up your floors.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to professional tile cleaning in Terrell Hills is the frequency of cleaning. You wouldn't want to clean too often, as this can be a problem and you might end up damaging your tile and grout in an attempt to keep them clean. And there is a fine line to walk here.  Too little cleaning, and your floor will show wear and tear, particularly in areas with  high foot traffic. On the other hand, too much cleaning can also cause problems and make it very tough to retain the original look of your tiles without resorting to some other alternate way of doing things. Remember that the aim of cleaning your tiles is not to incorporate it into your daily regimen, but on the contrary, keeping your floor as clean as possible.

And if you need more reasons, that the difference between doing it yourself and hiring a pro to do it for you.  A Terrell Hills tile cleaning service will give you tips to keep your floor looking sharp between visits.

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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, January 19, 2018

Why should you get a tile cleaning service in Spring Branch to clean your tile for you?  There are many very good reasons including the fact that they'll save you money.
[caption id="attachment_1384" align="alignleft" width="300"]Get professional tile cleaning in Spring Branch today and improve your floor's looks | 210-637-5050 Get professional tile cleaning in Spring Branch today and improve your floor's looks | 210-637-5050[/caption]

Safety and Peace Of Mind: Spring Branch Tile Cleaning

As we covered previously, the simple fact is that tile and grout cleaning done by the professionals will last longer than anything you can do yourself and the results will almost inevitably be far superior.
  1. The Pros Can Keep You and Yours Safe
    If your floors need some high-level professional tile cleaning, then they’re likely going to need some mighty powerful agents to get the job done. And unless you know precisely what you’re dealing with, you could be introducing some pretty dangerous chemicals into your home. A professional, on the other hand, will know what is safest and most effective for each particular project. If someone in your home has allergies or asthma, then the pro will know best what solutions to use and what to avoid. The pros offer the results, the durability, and the safety assurance that DIYers can’t.
  2. The Pros Are More Cost-EfficientWhen it comes right down to it, training and experience will enable the pros to do what DIYers can do, but in a fraction of the time—and often with infinitely better results. When all things are considered, this makes hiring a professional a far more cost-efficient choice. The pro will be able to get it done, get it done well, and get it done (relatively) quickly. If time is money, then the choice to go pro is a choice to save both. After all, a tile cleaning project is a time commitment. While it’s happening, that part of the home is essentially off-limits. For most homeowners, the extra expenditure to give their whole home back to them more quickly is well worth the investment.

A Tile Cleaning Service Restores Your Home's Beauty

Your floors are the centerpiece of your home. The first thing people are likely to notice—for good or for ill—when they step through your door. You want your floors to gleaming; you want them to shine because a dingy and damaged floor casts a shadow over the whole room. And you want those results to last for years and even decades to come. After all, your home is a reflection of who you are and of the pride, you take in the place you live your life, the place you raise your family.
It is far too important a project, and far too laborious a task, to leave it to the amateurs. When it comes to tile and grout cleaning, when you want it done right, do not do it yourself. Your floors, your family, your wallet, and your own peace of mind will thank you for it.
So make the right decision.  Hire a tile cleaning service in Spring Branch today
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050

Friday, January 12, 2018

Don’t Do It Yourself: The Benefits of Professional Tile Cleaning in Spring Branch (Continued)

Professional Tile Cleaning Service San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
How can you clean your tile floor yourself?

How Can I Clean My Tile Myself?

As we covered previously,the plain truth is that if you want your tile floors to look great and last a long time, then it is worth calling in a Spring Branch tile cleaning service to do the job for you.
There are several reasons why hiring a professional tile cleaning service in Spring Branch is a better way to clean your tile and grout.

The simple fact is that tile and grout cleaning done by the professionals will last longer than anything you can do yourself and the results will almost inevitably be far superior. Not only this, but you are far more likely to damage your floors if you attempt to do the job yourself. Using cleaning agents and equipment appropriately is essential—if you don’t have the skills of a professional, you risk the appearance and the longevity of your floors. For example if you don't  apply the sealant properly, you could end up trapping dirt and making your floor look dingy.
You may also end up further nicking or cutting your floor with unfamiliar equipment and in the end you may end up sending more money than you saved.

Save Yourself Time and Hassle:  Hire a Tile Cleaning Service Instead

4. The Pros Can Save You Frustration
No getting around it: cleaning tile and grout is hard, frustrating work. You can spend hours kneeling on a hard floor; you can spend days twisting and stretching and crawling on your knees, breathing in chemicals and baking inside protective gear. And all to end up with lackluster results for your pains. A pro does that backbreaking work for you, saving you time, pain, effort, and perhaps even a few hours on the psychiatrist’s couch!
5. The Pros Can Restore Your Floors
The professionals are not just experts at cleaning your tile floors—they’re also experts at restoring them! If you have a lot of damage and you’re dreaming of floors as lovely as the day they were laid, then the pros are your answer. Again, it all comes down to training, equipment, and experience: the three things that the pros have that we who are not in the biz simply don’t. So, if you’re going to invest in tile cleaning, why not go all the way and let the pros show you their stuff. Why settle for a clean and polished floor, when the pros can give you a floor that looks brand spanking new?
So, be smart with the way you spend your money.  Instead of a do it yourself method, you might want to hire a licensed tile cleaning service in Spring Branch.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050

Friday, January 5, 2018

Don’t Do It Yourself: The Benefits of Professional Tile Cleaning in Spring Branch

Call in a professional for tile cleaning in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Call a Tile Cleaning Service in Spring Branch
| 210-637-5050

Hiring a tile cleaning service in Spring Branch helps you to avoid any mistakes.

Hire a Spring Branch Tile Cleaning Service

We all want gleaming, beautiful floors. We all want them shining and showroom new. But just a few solid months of use and those prized tile floors you spent so much time and money on are looking more like a joke than a joy. But hiring a professional to clean your tile floors is an unnecessary hassle, right? You can get just as good a result from doing it yourself, right? Wrong. And wrong.
The plain truth is that if you want your tile floors to look great and last a long time, then it is worth calling in a Spring Branch tile cleaning service to do the job for you.
There are several reasons why a professional tile cleaning service is a better way to clean your tile and grout.
1. The Pros Have the Tools
Sure, anyone can buy over-the-counter cleaning solutions. They probably have pretty labels and boast all kinds of guarantees. They undoubtedly promise the moon. But the simple fact is that these OTC cleaning solutions simply can’t produce the results that professional-grade cleansers and sealers can.
And then consider the equipment: the pros have the right machines for the job. Better still, they actually know how to use them. So unless you are willing to invest thousands of dollars in equipment you may use once every few years, you’ll have to resort to renting the machines you will need, and these will almost certainly not be of the quality of the machines that the professionals use.
2. The Pros Have the Training
Every DIYer thinks that they have the know-how to tackle their home project and get results that would make the pros flush with envy. But nobody ever gets great results on the first try—that true whether you’re learning to drive a car, bake a cake, or clean a tile floor. The pros have the benefit of training and of experience. They know what works and what doesn’t, and they have the tricks that all the YouTube tutorials and DIY books can’t provide.
3. The Pros Get Better Results
It may feel like cleaning your tile and grout will save you money, without costing too much time or effort. But that’s wrong on all counts.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050