Friday, February 24, 2017

Hiring a Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park, TX

If you flip through your local phone book, you will probably notice a number of advertisements for generic carpet and tile cleaning services in Olmos Park, TX. The problem with many of these services is that they do not understand that carpet cleaning and tile cleaning are two very different processes, largely because some of them will hire almost anyone to work at them with minimal training. 
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park iss Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park iss Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050

What Happens Without Professional Tile Cleaning Services?

It's a frightening occurrence to think of someone with two days of training coming into your home and using chemicals and high-pressure tools to try to clean your tile without damaging it and takes a fair amount of research to find the perfect service.
What you likely want to do is sit down and talk with the service for a moment beforehand. Asking them questions about their training process and how long they've been in business to make sure that they have the experience you want is important and can either be very reassuring or an immediate red flag. You do not want a service that does not have quality equipment, or has minimal experience with the machines or with tile and grout. Also, when you receive a quote for the work done, be on the look-out for extremely high or extremely low prices; most quality places will charge per the square foot so you know precisely what they are doing and to where.

Customer Service is Important Where Tile Cleaning is Concerned

You also want to look out for people who are generally friendly and courteous when you call them. This tends to assure that they are serious about your satisfaction as a customer and may even guarantee satisfaction since sometimes problems can arise days after the cleaning has occurred (scratches may become visible or other damage like loose tiles may become apparent). When they enter your home it is also important to observe them and their pre-cleaning process. If they do not bother to even look at the area and simply get to work without determining what needs to be done, this can be an immediate red flag that you could be dealing with a bunch of amateurs.
You want to make sure that you get the right people when you realize that you need to get professional tile cleaning in Olmos Park.  
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Use generally friendly and courteous when you call them. This tends to assure that they are serious about your satisfaction as a customer and may even guarantee satisfaction since sometimes problems can arise days after the cleaning has occurred (scratches may become visible or other damage like loose tiles may become apparent). When they enter your home it is also important to observe them and their pre-cleaning process. If they do not bother to even look at the area and simply get to work without determining what needs to be done, this can be an immediate red flag that you could be dealing with a bunch of amateurs.
You want to make sure that you get the right people when you realize that you need to get professional tile cleaning in Olmos Park.  
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, February 17, 2017

San Antonio Tile Cleaning and Care

San Antonio tile cleaning service will bring a lot of knowledge as well as experience to any tile cleaning project.
Grout and Tile Cleaning in San Antonio | Call Us Today | (210) 637-5050
Grout and Tile Cleaning in San Antonio | Call Us Today | (210) 637-5050

Why You Should Consider a Professional Tile Cleaning Service

Here are two types of tile that need very different tile cleaning methods: saltillo and porcelain.
Saltillo is very different than any form of ceramic tile, including porcelain.  One difference is that saltillo is very porous.  Since it is made largely of unglazed clay, it is more prone to damage than something like porcelain tile.  Saltillo is more closely related to tile such as terra cotta, which is essentially what a lot of flower pots are made of.
professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio will know the differences between the two forms of tile, and offer you advice on how to take care of them.  Going back to saltillo, if you hire a professional service, they will likely recommend that you use an impregnating sealer.  Not only will it give your saltillo a beautiful, glossy shine, it will protect it from stains and damage as well.   But what about how to clean your porcelain tile?

How to Clean Your Porcelain Tile

First off, know that porcelain is fired at a much higher temperature than regular ceramic tile, so it is a bit tougher.  It also has a super hardened glaze in place.  With that said, however, it is never a good idea to be too rough on your porcelain tile.  You could end up cracking one of the tiles.  One way to stop this is to use throw rugs on the top of the tile, particularly at entry points.  As for cleaning, never use harsh chemicals to clean your tile as you might end up stripping the glaze and eroding the clay underneath.  You want to follow the care instructions provided by your tile installer, or failing that, contact a professional tile cleaning service to clean your tile, because it isn't just the tile, it's the grout too.
Grout both cushions and supports your tile as well as helping to anchor it.  If you don't follow proper grout care instructions, you might end up with gaps in your grout.  The gaps that you can see are bad, but it's the ones that are underneath your tile that are worse.  Why?  Well, because without that support, you might end up cracking your tile.  Look at the complicated pattern above.  Think how hard it would be to replace one tile?
Be a smart consumer.  Hire a professional tile cleaning service in San Antonio.
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Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
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Friday, February 10, 2017

San Antonio Marble Cleaning Services and Polishing (Conclusion)

Marble cleaning is not something that you can really do yourself.  It's better to hire a service.
As we covered previously, a lot of people think it is simple to clean marble tiles.
Get Marble Cleaning in San Antonio TX| (210) 637-5050
Get Marble Cleaning in San Antonio TX| (210) 637-5050

Do's and Don't of Professional Marble Cleaning

One thing that your professional marble cleaning service in San Antonio will likely recommend is stone sealing.  An impregnating sealer is applied that hardens into a protective resin.  All forms of stone are naturally porous, and it is those pores that cause stone to become worn out looking and stained.
Another reason for professional stone cleaning is to avoid any damage to your stone.  If you use anything that has bleach, ammonia, or any harsh chemicals in it, you run a good chance of ruining your stone.  For a stone as hard as it is, marble is extremely prone to damage.
For example did you know that if you spill red wine, coffee or orange juice on your marble, you can dissolve it?  It won't do it evenly, but instead you will start to see gaps appearing in your stone that weren't there before. Or as we covered in a previous article, marble as a natural stone needs far different care than something like ceramic or porcelain tile. Marble is fossilized limestone. It is also a stone used worldwide from hotels to palaces and cathedrals to add a touch of luxury or opulence. Marble is a fairly hard stone. Chemical reactions, however, can interact badly with marble, even dissolve it. However, as we also know as part of stone restoration in San Antonio, it isn’t just the cleansers that are the problem. It is sometimes the water.

How the Wrong Sort of Water Can Interfere with Your Marble Cleaning Project

Public water sources are typically high in trace minerals, making the water in question essentially hard water. Soft water isn't the answer either. Soft water usually involves salt, which can leave water marks or stains. How do you clean marble yourself?  We're often asked that by our customers.  Well, to tell you, if you don't know what you're doing, do not ever try to clean marble yourself.  Otherwise all the money that you think you are saving will actually end up being a hefty price tag when you have to replace your marble floor.
As you see, there is a lot to know.  Don't risk your marble floor.  Call a professional marble cleaning service in San Antonio.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site

Friday, February 3, 2017

San Antonio Marble Cleaning Services and Polishing

San Antonio marble cleaning and polishing helps to not only make your marble look good, it makes it shine like a mirror.
Call in a professional for tile cleaning in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050
Call in a professional for tile cleaning in San Antonio | (210) 637-5050

Why You Need Professional Marble Cleaning in San Antonio

Our homes are an extension of ourselves. When they're at their best, they reflect our personalities and character; what we love, what we enjoy, and what we represent. So the care that we put into our bodies should also extend to our beloved homes. Houses are built differently and each one deserves a specific method of taking care of. A popular material used for construction, especially on countertops, tabletops and floors, is marble.  And professional marble cleaning in San Antonio helps it to look amazing.
Marble offers a unique surface and look that other materials cannot provide. Marble is highly unique, with no two blocks of it being the same. Marble is considered both timeless and elegant. It can reflect adaptive modernization and rich history at the same time. On the flip side, marble is not cheap and requires specialized stone care.

Protect Your Mable with a Stone Cleaning and Restoration Service

It is relatively expensive to use and attention to detail is required. Any construction expert can attest that installing marble tiles for example can not only be a chore, but also a tedious project. Marble tiles need to be lined up and viewed in entirety to see if the design matches in every tile before installing them. Cleaning of marble tiles is not as easy as it may seem. Like any stone tile, it requires high maintenance. Regular cleaning is demanded. You cannot leave dirt, smudge or spills for too long. They can leave a mark that would be impossible to remove.
A lot of people think it is simple to clean marble tiles. A common misconception is that piece of cloth and any cleaning product would be enough to clean marble tiles. Marble tiles are porous, meaning they can easily absorb any substance that comes in contact with them. Marble is also sensitive to acid. So whether it is acid found in food like citrus fruits, wine or synthetic cleaning products, we need to be extremely careful what we allow to touch marble tiles. Marble can also be very sensitive to stains. A little of the wrong sort of stain left for too long can blend into marble and completely ruin the look of any floor or room.  That's where a professional stone cleaning service can help. 
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Visit Our Site