Friday, September 30, 2016

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio Texas: Making a Clean Sweep of It All (Contd.)

Professional tile cleaning in San Antonio is all about the level of service they provide.

San Antonio Professional Tile Cleaning

Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio s Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in San Antonio s Just a Phone Call Away | (210) 637-5050
As we covered previously, before you employ a floor tile cleaning service, you will have to be aware of a lot of things. Know about what type of floor tile you have got first before you get on the phone to a company that does grout cleaning in San Antonio. Brick floor tiles and saltillo gain from tile stripping and deep cleaning. Marble requires scratch removal, deep cleaning, lippage elimination, and polishing. Diamond polishing is also applied to marble floor tile now and again. Travertine needs honing along with deep cleaning and lippage removals. Slate floors mostly is a mix of deep cleaning, polishing, enhancing and sealing In some instances, some companies even affect the color of the flooring as well. So when you choose a tile cleaning service, be aware that you need to pick a service that can work on the floor tile which you have. Now that you know the tile you must work with, you're ready to consider what the tile cleaning service that does grout cleaning is going to cost.

Tile Sealing: Another Service

Another service that a company doing grout cleaning in San Antonio can do is tile sealing. Floor tile sealing can be used to repair leaking floor surfaces. Once again, the kind of flooring will also determine the sort of sealant that will be utilized. Granite floors require a different treatment solution than say, saltillo floor tiles, and it might cost more than sealing your grout. Repair services are for customers with badly stained or damaged floor tile. Repair services include replacement of broken tiles, or repair to floor tiles worn by regular deterioration. After your flooring has been cleaned, your floor tech should also provide you with ways to keep the tiles clean until the following cleaning. Pay attention to what he or she tells you. Particular chemical substances such as ammonia can negatively interact with tile cleaning products or sealer. Again, seek information before you go with anyone. You want to know how much experience they have as well as their availability.
Finding a good tile cleaning company is actually quite simple. Do your homework. Research the company and it's founder. Next, trust your gut. They should be able to provide you an estimate. So with a bit of work and the right circumstances, you know you have the best tile cleaning service in San Antonio.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050

Visit Our Site

Friday, September 23, 2016

Tile Cleaning in San Antonio Texas: Making a Clean Sweep of It All

In these tough economic times, it makes wonderful financial sense to go for a service offering tile cleaning in San Antonio instead of just replacing your floor tile.
Hire a Tile Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050
Hire a Tile Cleaning Service | (210) 637-5050

San Antonio Tile Cleaning and Your Tile Floor

There are two primary options available to you to clean your floor tiles. You can do it yourself, however, you can end up spending money on items that do not work well. You might also desire to go with a cleaning service in San Antonio that specializes in tile cleaning.
To begin with, before you employ a floor tile cleaning service, you will have to be aware of a lot of things. Know about what type of floor tile you have got first before you get on the phone to a company that does grout cleaning in San Antonio. Brick floor tiles and saltillo gain from tile stripping and deep cleaning. Marble requires scratch removal, deep cleaning, lippage elimination, and polishing. Diamond polishing is also applied to marble floor tile now and again. Travertine needs honing along with deep cleaning and lippage removals. Slate floors mostly is a mix of deep cleaning, polishing, enhancing and sealing In some instances, some companies even affect the color of the flooring as well. So when you choose a tile cleaning service, be aware that you need to pick a service that can work on the floor tile which you have. Now that you know the tile you must work with, you're ready to consider what the tile cleaning service that does grout cleaning is going to cost.

What a Tile Cleaning Service Will Charge

The square footage will determine how much your tile cleaning service  costs. Furthermore, if any repair is needed for your tile, this may also be part of the charges for the services. How big the floor tiles, and how many tiles will also be variables in the fee. The degree of cleaning will even impact the price. Getting rid Of mold and mildew stains costs a lot more than merely a basic cleaning. You shouldn't be too concerned, even so. Plenty of companies offer you first-time customer discount rates. Start out researching companies.
Companies who have good referrals online in addition to companies with their pricing outlined at the start are the best to deal with generally. Do not just believe in any reviews on their website however, research at various contractor entries to determine if they are referenced anyplace. Another service that a company doing grout cleaning  can do is tile sealing. Floor tile sealing can be used to repair leaking floor surfaces. Once again, the kind of flooring will also determine the sort of sealant that will be utilized. Granite floors requires a different treatment solution than say, saltillo floor tiles, and it will might cost more than sealing grout floor.
Repair services are for customers with badly stained or damaged floor tile. Repair services include replacement of broken tiles, or repair to floor tiles worn by regular deterioration. After your flooring has been cleaned, your floor tech should also provide you with ways to keep the tiles clean until the following cleaning. Pay attention to what he or she tells you. Particular chemical substances such as ammonia can negatively interact with tile cleaning products or sealer. Again, seek information before you go with anyone. Finding a good tile cleaning company is actually quite simple. Just follow these rules. Then you will have a tile and grout cleaning service that you can work with time after time.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050

Visit Our Site

Friday, September 16, 2016

Grout Cleaning in Olmos Park, TX: Tips From Your Professional Grout Cleaners (Conclusion)

Hire a grout cleaning service and avoid a lot of trouble.
As we covered previously, if cleaning seems like too much of a chore for you, you can also hire a professional grout cleaning provider to
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park |(210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park |(210) 637-5050
do the job for you.

Why Do I Need Professional Grout Cleaning?

Why do you need professional grout cleaning?  Grout gets dirty for many reasons, especially in kitchens, corridors and bathrooms since they are exposed to water, food etc. Grout should be kept clean which means you have to clean it regularly. Grout cleaning can be done with products specially designed for that purpose such as cleaning solutions or by using some household items.
You can clean tile grout by mixing equal parts of vinegar and water, spraying it on the grout and then scrubbing it with a stiff brush (metal brushes should be avoided since they wear away the grout). Then rinse the grout and dry it. Another way is to make a paste of water and baking soda, apply it on the grout, scrub with a brush and then rinse it well and dry it. There are different stiff scrub brushes and special grout brushes available in the stores. You can use a toothbrush as well. One more way is to mix one cup of water with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide (a bottle costs less than a dollar!) and spray it on the grout. This solution is not to be rinsed. All these above mentioned methods are very cheap and they clean effectively.

Hire a Tile Cleaning Service for Professional Results

If these simple solutions cannot clean completely the grout, you should use something stronger. Non-toxic oxygen bleach, for example. It is color safe and the only thing you need is to mix it with water (equal parts) and apply it on the grout. Leave it for 5-10 minutes, then scrub it, rinse it well and dry it. If this method also doesn't work, you should try the commercial grout cleaners. You should never forget that while using cleaning products you should wear goggles, gloves and mask for protection and keep the room well ventilated. The safety information on the bottles should be read very carefully as well and the instructions should be followed.
There are a lot of products today designed to clean dirt, stains, rust such as mold treatment products, rust removers, grout and tile cleaners etc. Some of them are organic, some are chemicals. Bear in mind that the prices for these products vary from about $6 to about $200 (per 5 gallon pail). That means it is better to calculate whether it is better to buy such a product or to call professionals in order to clean your grout. The professionals use very powerful professional machines such as vapor/steam grout cleaning machines as well. The cheapest way to clean your grout is by using natural products i.e. home made grout cleaners. But in case you have old and stubborn stains and dirt, better call a professional. That will save you a lot of money, effort and time.
The best professional to call? A grout cleaning service in Olmos Park.
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, September 9, 2016

Grout Cleaning in Olmos Park, TX: Tips From Your Professional Grout Cleaners (Contd.)

Clean your grout as well as your tile
Get professional tile and grout cleaning done | (210) 637-5050
Get professional tile and grout cleaning done | (210) 637-5050

The Importance of Regular Grout Cleaning

As we covered previously, regular maintenance and routine grout cleaning are essential to having clean grout over a long period of time, and can reduce the unnecessary cost associated with replacement of your ceramic tile. However, professional strength grout cleaning agents can be very harsh and can cause damage to your grout or cause your colored grout to fade. These stronger chemicals are often an unnecessary expense, as a number of home remedies for grout cleaning work well and are readily available.

Why Cleaning Your Grout is Harder Than You Think

After you have scrubbed your grout clean, the final step of cleaning is to use a damp sponge or cloth to wipe away excess dirt and grime, as well as wash away any chemical residues that your cleaning products have left behind. Using running hot water to rinse the cloth or sponge as you go prevents you from further contaminating the areas that you have not yet cleaned, and works better than using water from a bucket. Thoroughly mopping the whole floor following grout cleaning will not only ensure that the entire area is clean, but also free from any lingering chemical residue.
While it is true that the entire process of grout cleaning is hard work and consumes a great deal of time and energy, it is beneficial while cleaning grout to take short, intermittent breaks while scrubbing grout clean in order to prevent back and knee stiffness and prevent injury. However, these breaks should be 30 seconds to one minute in duration, as longer breaks can distract you from your work and further delay the entire process.
If cleaning seems like too much of a chore for you, you can also hire a professional grout cleaning provider to do the job for you. These grout cleaning specialists use some of the best chemicals and top of the line machines, and are able to get the entire cleaning job done much faster. Also, professional grade grout cleaning machines have powerful suction that can eliminate more harmful dirt and bacteria. Although using a grout cleaning service can be more expensive than doing the job yourself, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of such service can equate to a much deeper cleaning and improved overall appearance of your grout. Grout cleaning service agencies who charge more than others are more likely to use better chemicals and grout cleaning tools which can get out even the toughest grout stains. It is always a good idea to check out a contractor's guarantee beforehand, and also get a copy of that guarantee in writing.
So take your time.  That way you know you've found the best tile cleaning service in Olmos Park.  
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us

Friday, September 2, 2016

Grout Cleaning in Olmos Park, TX: Tips From Your Professional Grout Cleaners

When cleaning your tile, do you remember to do grout cleaning as well?  
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park, TX | (210) 637-5050
Professional Tile Cleaning Service in Olmos Park, TX | (210) 637-5050

Grout Cleaning in Olmos Park

Regular maintenance and routine grout cleaning in Olmos Park are essential to having clean grout over a long period of time, and can reduce the unnecessary cost associated with replacement of your ceramic tile. However, professional strength grout cleaning agents can be very harsh and can cause damage to your grout or cause your colored grout to fade. These stronger chemicals are often an unnecessary expense, as a number of home remedies for grout cleaning work well and are readily available.
When it comes to grout cleaning, an oxygen bleach product works better than one composed of chlorinated bleach, and does not pose a health hazard when used in areas where there are small children or pets. An oxygenated bleach solution can also work quite well on tougher stains. To make an oxygenated bleach cleaning compound, combine one cup of OxiClean or other oxygenated bleach powder and two gallons of hot water. Although OxiClean is gentler than chlorinated bleach, you should still test this mixture on your grout first if you have colored grout.

Hire a Tile Cleaning Service Instead

If you have already tried a number of grout cleaning products and still have black stains on your grout, the most likely culprit is mildew. Mildew can be a huge problem in areas prone to moisture, such as tubs and showers, but there is also a home remedy for this that is relatively inexpensive, and that is alcohol. In fact, if you read the labels of a lot of major bathroom cleaner brands, you will find that the main ingredient is almost always alcohol. As a more affordable solution to your mildew problem, you can purchase a bottle of alcohol at your local pharmacy and put it in a spray bottle for treating those areas that are heavily affected with mold or mildew. In addition, drying your shower and bath areas after each use and then spraying with the alcohol treatment is a great way to keep mildew at bay. This can save you more time in the long run, and keep your grout clean.
With all this said, you're actually better off not trying this yourself.  A lot of people are taking risks with their floor every time they try a do it yourself solution.  That's why you hire a professional tile cleaning service instead.  
Lone Star Tile and Grout Cleaning
4019 Stahl Rd, Suite 202
San Antonio TX 78217
(210) 637-5050
Contact Us